

Has yourMillar导管突然停止表现如何它应该是如何?例如,导管不会为零,或者你的压力信号超出范围?别担心 - 我们在这里帮助!

下面,我们创建了一个简短的指南,涵盖了使用Millar研究导管和采取纠正措施时可能遇到的三个最常见问题。另外 - 我们已经包含一些方便的提示,了解如何避免它们在第一个地方发生!





列出批准的清洁剂和消毒剂,以及清洁,浸泡,干燥和灭菌的详细说明 - 看看instructions for use documentprovided with your catheter.





每次使用前,检查传感器在microscope and carefully wipe away any dust or small fibers that may be visible. Even a small amount of debris can cause a signal offset.

2. Always presoak your catheter tip!
Before using your catheter for recording pressure signals, it’s important to presoak the catheter tip in saline or distilled water at body temperature for至少30 minutes prior to use.

Presoaking your catheter helps prepare the pressure sensor diaphragm for the "wet" biological environment and prevent pressure signal drift and negative pressure recordings. The presoak can be done by gently inserting the catheter tip into a beaker, dish, or through the tip of a syringe.

顶尖:只需浸泡导管尖端 - 浸没导管连接器将损坏内部的敏感电子器件!

3. Clean your catheter after each use
It’s important to clean your catheter immediately after use to avoid foreign material drying on the sensor and interfering with the signal. If you can’t clean it immediately, then you should place the catheter tip in saline or water upon removal so it doesn't dry out - a dried-out catheter is very difficult to clean later on.


Pro-Tip: 在清洁导管时始终使用显微镜,因此您可以准确地看到任何可能存在的污染材料。柔软的棉棉签可用于轻轻擦拭传感器清洁。

#2 The pressure sensor won't balance or zero

您可能面临的另一个潜在问题是不平衡或零的压力传感器。这可能是由此引起的连接器中的水分或物理损坏, such as damage to the internal wires or a fractured string gauge.您可以在显微镜下检查导管是否有物理损坏 - 有些东西要注意的是抑制传感器隔膜或对保护传感器密封剂的损坏,如下图所示.


Unfortunately, if the internal wires or sensors are physically damaged, you may need to substitute the catheter for a new one!


1. Handle your catheter with care
We cannot stress enough how important it is to have good laboratory practices in place when handling your catheters. While they are made from high-quality materials, they are still very fragile!

心肌梗死是很重要的ndful of how you are handling your catheter to avoid damaging the pressure sensor or volume electrodes.Avoid applying direct pressure to the sensor diaphragm with fingertips or forceps and be mindful of where the sensor is located within your preparation and to keep instruments etc. away from this area.

Millar catheter squashed by forceps


有关处理程序和操作说明的更多信息 - 请查看instructions for use documentsupplied with your catheter.

Pro-Tip:Use silicon padded forceps when handling your catheter to protect the sharp edges from damaging the catheter.

2. Protect your catheter with foam when not in use

After you have finished using your catheter (and have cleaned it!), it should be placed back in the protective foam case that it came in, to avoid physical damage during handling or storage.




Lastly, you may experience a noisy or erratic volume signal, which is most likely due to damage to the electrodes or the catheter body.


Again, if you have physically damaged the internal components of the catheter (e.g. sensors or wires), you may need to swap it out for a new one. Unfortunately, once the damage is done, it can be very difficult to fix.


Millar PV导管上损坏的体积电极

A damaged volume electrode

See the above suggestions for how to avoid physical damage when handling your catheter and how to protect it when not in use - or you candownload Millar's Best Practice Tips for Pressure and Pressure-Volume Catheters by filling out the form below!

Are you experiencing another issue not covered above?

Unsure if it's your catheter failing or a problem with your data acquisition hardware e.g. yourBridge Amp,PowerLab.,C系列界面或MPVS Ultra PV单元? Contact your nearestAdinStruments.technical support specialisttoday - we’re here to help!

为了访问关于导管使用和护理,手术程序和引用Millar Mikro-Tip导管的外科手术和出版物的更多信息和视频,请注册免费帐户Millar的知识中心。


Owners guides:

Millar for Research – exclusively available from ADInstruments

Adinstruments很自豪能成为独家全球经销商Millar Mikro-Tip®压力导管and associated hardware forventricular pressure-volumeandinvasive pressure记录。

Click here to see our full range of pressure and pressure-volume catheters plus associated data acquisition hardware »

10 Feb 2020

By Mel Knottenbelt

Scientific Writer


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