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May 2nd marks the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci's death, one of the most famous anatomical illustrators of all time.

Expert advice from Associate Professor, Tina Hinton on how to make your labs run like a well-oiled machine!

Check out the range of scholarships and awards that we support for life science researchers and educators!

Our dynamic new online community is a place to share resources and knowledge, discuss, and debate anything related to education and Lt.

支持ed by ADInstruments and the APS, this award is presented to an established investigator with a history of excellence in education, who is making outstanding contributions to teaching and...

Experiment: How to get your students to measure muscle contraction by stimulating their own nerves.

An active and engaging experiment where students examine muscular fatigue by performing EMGs on themselves.

Congratulations to the team of lecturers using Lt at the School of Pharmacy & Medical Sciences (University of South Australia), who have won a prestigious citation for improving student...

Congratulations to this year's winner of the ADInstruments Macknight Early Career Innovative Educator Award, presented by the APS: Kinesiology Professor Ed Merritt, from Southwestern University...

Need help with making your lessons more engaging? Here are some simple ways to promote active learning and increase student engagement with Lt customer success manager, Liam Farley.

How taking a trip to Italy to experience the Renaissance's intersecting worlds of art and anatomy can reinvigorate your anatomy research and teaching.

Our simple guide for educators wanting to write clear, effective multiple-choice questions. Plus a handy cheat sheet to download and keep!

Our new hardware kits have been designed to ensure that you have everything you need for your teaching labs, and nothing you don’t.

Lt LabStation Customer, Dr Sue Jamieson, uses our offline learning platform to deliver practical, lab-based lessons to students studying medicine and medical sciences in the UK.

Dr. Enmin Zou uses our offline learning platform, Lt LabStation, to teach his third-year General Physiology labs, with excellent results!

