
Surgical Training

ADInstruments offers specialized, practical training in surgical and microsurgical skills.

Learn refined techniques directly from experts with more than 30 years experience, and receive up to date professional advice on experimental facility design or improvements.

Our surgical training courses accelerate learning by providing hands-on training in both models and living materials. Quickly grasp surgical best practices in areas such as technique, securing excellent asepsis and anesthetic standards, and the development of policy documents.

You can also combine training with experiment research techniques or application workshops to create a more comprehensive course, specific to your requirements.

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We warmly invite you to our our Microsurgical Techniques and Pressure-Volume surgery training course, our first in-person event since the pandemic began. We are confident that you will...

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E.g., 5 Aug 2022
E.g., 5 Aug 2022


We warmly invite you to our our Microsurgical Techniques and Pressure-Volume surgery training course, our first in-person event since the pandemic began. We are confident that you will...

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