What is the typical workflow for setting up an Instance?

1. Access the 'Instance Administration' card by clicking 'Instance Administration' on your Admin pages. Here there are three options that only Instance Administrators can access: General Settings, Administrators, and Other Roles:

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2. Select 'General Settings'to provide a name and image for your Organization – remember, this will appear in the header of your Administrators', Authors', and Students' Lt pages, as well as all invitation emails so choose wisely!

3. Select 'Administrators'to access the Administrators card to invite Course Administrators and other Instance Administrators. You can view all Course Administrators by selecting this option, and are then able to Revoke their privileges. Note: An Instance can have more than one Instance Administrator, and an Instance Administrator can convene over more than one Instance:

4. To view and create other roles for Staff select 'Other Roles' from the Instance Administration card. By selecting Create Role you can name and manage the permissions someone in that role will have.