Lt Videos

Lt Videos

发邮件的一个子集的学生s in your Lt course

  • 14 Dec 17
  • Lt

Learn how to selectively email a subset of students in your Lt course.

Teaching, Learning, Understanding - Presentation by Tony Macknight, Founder of ADInstruments

  • 27 Jan 20
  • Lt

Tony Macknight, Founder of ADInstruments discusses the pitfalls of traditional teaching methods on students' learning and how shifting towards a more active

Webinar: Adapting the Teaching of Nursing Students During Lockdown with Flipped Classrooms and Blended Learning Techniques

  • 19 Nov 20
  • Lt

Ricci Wesselink shares how changing their traditional educational model to a flipped classroom and blended learning approach improved student outcomes and pass rates for their health science courses.

Dr. Johannes Fleckenstein, University of Giessen

  • 6 Nov 19
  • Lt

How Lt brings physiology to life with hands-on experiments that help students to understand the underlying science.
