
Three benefits of isolated organ research

What is isolated organ research - and why should you be doing it?

As the name implies,isolated organ researchinvolves the removal of an organ from the body and maintaining its physiological function for experimental purposes.

The technique is incredibly useful when it comes to investigating an organ’s physiological and pharmacological responses to various stimuli (drugs or chemicals), without the interference of other systemic processes.

over the last 100 years, organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys and lungs, have been studied using a variety of isolated organ techniques including, whole organ, partial organ, perfused organ, and non-perfused organ protocols.

Isolated heart and research

We offer a range of tailorable solutions for isolated perfused organ studies, such as theheartandliver




Normally, when physiological conditions change, the body adapts accordingly to maintain systemic homeostasis, which can result in many physiological parameters changing simultaneously. By removing the organ and studying it in a controlled environment, recorded responses are free from bodily influences,which can be unseen or unknown。This means when it comes to the analysis, you can gain clearer and more definitive results in a relatively easy and quick manner.





Control of the isolated organ environment is made easy using accurate and precise monitoring and recording tools, such as our温度和pH套件,o2&co2成套工具,,,,andTransonic flowprobes and flowsensorswhich can be added onto any of our孤立的器官系统

3. Flexibility and direct measurements

Lastly, with an isolated organ system, you have the flexibility to easily scale up or down the complexity of the experiment protocol as required by the study. In addition, since it is an invasive method, you can directly place sensors or electrodes on the organ to increase measurement precision and accuracy.


ADInstruments Advantage

ADInstruments presents you with the opportunity to measure and analyze a variety of different signals from an isolated organ preparation using the same recording and analysis platform. Using ourPowerLabdata acquisition system andLabChart分析软件,您可以同时在同一软件中记录不同的信号,并在记录的信号之间易于辨别关系。

例如,如果您想查看特定药物对孤立心脏的药理作用 - 您可以对心脏进行不同浓度的药物,同时测量心脏参数等心脏参数的任何变化((ECG),收缩力(使用bridge ampand力传感器)orblood pressure。然后使用LabChart的Dose-Response Module,您可以快速自动化相应剂量反应曲线的推导,自动计算EC50价值。


快速使用LabChart的强大功能提取感兴趣的参数,例如视频截取,,,,Dose-Response,,,,andBlood PressureAdd-Ons (pictured above).


For many years, ADInstruments has partnered with Radnoti - experts in creating fine, high-quality, glassware required for isolated tissue-organ research, to provide a variety of solutions for isolated heart experiments including拉根多夫and工作心脏系统。对于我们最新的合作产品,我们创建了一种解决肝脏研究的解决方案。IPRL首次由克劳德·伯纳德(Claude Bernard)于1855年报道,仍然是一个可靠且流行的再灌注模型,包括:

  • 肝角色研究
  • 肝损害评估
  • 肝保存和移植研究
  • 研究肝脏疾病:肝炎、肝硬化,丽芙·er cancer, liver failure
  • 肝与胰岛素和激素调节的关系

our latest Isolated organ products:




radnoti isolated rodent liverkidney apparatus

想开始我们孤立的肝系统,但不知道从哪里开始?Check out our short guide on key considerations when performing an IPRL experiment.


Effects of constant flow vs. constant pressure perfusion on Langendorff isolated heart studies

Langendorff与工作心脏灌注 - 有什么区别?

Choosing the right perfusate for a Langendorff Isolated heart preparation

Watch webinar: An introduction to isolated Langendorff heart – Experimental considerations and best practices



Yeh T.,Wechsler A.S.(1998)研究中的孤立器官。在:Trodl H.,McKneally M.F.,Mulder D.S.,Wechsler A.S.,McPeek B.,Spitzer W.O.(eds)手术研究。斯普林格,纽约,纽约

Shatoor, Prof. Abdullah & Al-Hashem, Professor Fahaid & Elkarib, Abbas & Sakr, Hussein & Alkhateeb, Mahmoud. (2012). EC50 of adrenaline-atenolol: Functional agonist assay using Langendorff isolated rabbit heart tethered to PowerLab data acquisition system. African journal of pharmacy and pharmacology. 6. 1092-1098. 10.5897/AJPP12.123.

Bessems M等。2006年,孤立的灌注大鼠肝脏:实验动物的定期模型的标准化。

Rodent Hepatic Function


由梅尔·诺特贝尔特(Mel Knottelbelt)

Scientific Writer


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