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Professor Leith Meyer is developing safer capture and immobilization techniques for one of the world’s most endangered animals.

behi我们分享故事nd the creation of the PowerLab C and C Series devices, and what researchers can expect from these innovative new devices!

Find out how Kaha Sciences' suite of telemeters can be integrated into your neuroscience studies to measure intracranial pressure, seizure (EEG), sympathetic nerve activity, or tissue oxygen...

Take your cardiovascular research to the next level using telemetry. Find out how you can use Kaha Science's telemeters to measure physiological pressures, ECG, and sympathetic nerve activity -...

Nick Spencer, Neurogastroenterologist from Flinders University Australia shares how he uses optogenetics to understand neural pathways of the enteric nervous system.

Find out how an innovative group of medical and engineering experts produced an open-source ventilator in a matter of months.

Here we discuss some of the less well-known applications of the Millar pressure catheter including tumor, intradiscal, and transdiaphragmatic pressure measurements!

Early Adopter, Travis Gibbons has been using LabChart Lightning to research the effect of thermal stress (heat and cold) on physiological processes such as brain blood flow and intracranial pressure...

Adinstruments研究主管Brandon Bucher分享了为什么我们创建Labchart Lightning以及科学研究人员可以从这一创新的新软件中期望的内容背后的故事...

Find out how LabChart Lightning has enabled Jim and his group save time during data acquisition and analysis, as well as improve their data integrity and data management.

Here we cover the three most common problems people encounter when using a Millar Research Catheter and the corrective actions you can take to fix them!

曼彻斯特大学的心血管研究人员Min Zi使用PV环和血液动力学分析来研究导致心脏肥大发展的分子过程...

Essential tips and practical advice from isolated heart expert Dr. Melanie White, for Langendorff heart and perfusion. Covers animal care, heparin, contractility, and more.

Check out our brief summary highlighting the advantages and limitations of constant flow vs. constant pressure perfusion setups for Langendorff isolated heart studies.

Meet Dr. Nandu Goswami, Associate Professor and Head of the Institute of Physiology at the Medical University of Graz, who uses ADInstruments tools for teaching physiology.

